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so you've walked through these pages
and i must tell you some of the things
you'll read here will disturb you...
but it sure will get you thinking
if you don't like what you reaad,
feel free to shut the f*ck up!

you think you know me

clearly, you're mistaken!
you don't know a thing about me
and before you ask, i won't bother to explain
there's more to me than meets the eye

so drop the f*cking labels...it bores the hell of me
leave me alone and we'll get along just fine

say what?

you have got to see these

as it was written

blast from the past


dn angel dreams
goo goo dolls

Friday, December 17, 2004

fornication under the consent of the king

well this has most certainly been an interesting day, although the day ain't over yet, i feel that i've been to hell and back, elmo is being her grumpy self like usual, and i'm being short of a bastard, hell! you have to actually be us to at least have a shrewed idea of what elmo and i are going through our lives (not together, mind) .

i started the day with a splitting headache due to the fact that i've arrived at my house at around 1AM from a job i could barely care for. got up a good 3 hours later (i find it hard to sleep at night...probably the effect of kusa-kusa). nonchalantly ate my breakfast and hopped in the shower. slipped on a clean pair of trousers and a gray top. great! my usual boring corporate self trying to get back to whatever f*ck i was doing for the the last few months...life can't be more exciting than this (read: end my misery, please kill me now!)

the mrt's broke...some fire in guadalupe. i wished i was still in bed (if it isn't too much to ask, with someone, anyone) and not under some strangers underarm...(boy, was the mrt packed today). i later found a friend in an equally comprimising position between the bodies of some other corporate slaves trying to get to their hellholes, or offices as they refer to them. we decided, what the heck! wait for the goddamn mrt to resume operation. nothing much happened between then and the time we got to our own hellhole, which was a good 45 minutes later.

i had the first good news of the day when i heard of a colleague resigning. she has finally broken free... a slave no more. in as much as i am happy for her taking control of her own life, i can't help but think, why can't i summon the same courage to take control of mine....lead it to where i'd be happy. certainly elmo was thinking along the same line. i know it. then it dawned me, i don;t know exactly where that road is. sure i'd like to be happy, but what would make me? truth is i don't know. hell, i don't know if i'd ever know...

later today would be our department christmas party. geez! could this day be any lousier? i plan to get wasted. maybe then, under the influence of booze could I find the answers to my question.

i gave up on this post after i realized that this day is not as interesting as i might have thought. so i'm ending it here.

by the way the title is the origin of the work fuck...or so a friend says.


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it sounds to me a normal routine for a normal laborer. A slave of a capitilistic world..
There's nothing you can do...
Your are not working for yourself
Your working for somebody to get rich!
And that's your burgeoise employer...
I am not familiar with the line of work your but
from my initial impression you are not close to being satisfied... and there's a thin line between staying and quitin'

It's very ironic that many of us complains on what how we hate our job while the statistic shows 80% of Filipino are unemployed.

Even US is in recession right now.. See the dollar to euro exchange rate.. mwahahaha!

Just stay cool and enjoy what you have and when you had enough just get out and shout!!!!

DARNA! hahahaha

and btw, how can you complain about transporation problem in metro,,,,
hello it's been a cancer of this country??!
get used to it!!!

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know if i have the sanity to comment on this entry of yours...
But at least we have a connection..
lately i feel like i am the sister of Barbara (played by Dawn Zulueta)...
the lost soul in the movie - " Patayin sa sindak si Barbara"... which incidentally is your favorite movie..
maybe you'd ask... "what's the connection?"
Well, here's the reason....
(1) I feel like I'm floating up in the air...
We'll maybe it's just the effect of not sleeping at the prescribed number of hours... Or maybe staying up awake until wee hours of the day... I think I am in the state of so called "LIMBO"...just like the lost souls....nowhere to go...just going around in circles..
(2) I have this suppressed angst / anger towards the world..
It's been HATE, HATE, HATE, and HATE lately.... Damn!!!
How I wish I'd go back to being a child again... and forget all the bad things that has happened in the past... ( God!! what's happening to me?)..

Neeways, what i have just learned today from my friends is that, we all need a little break.. and reflect on things that are important to us...
Maybe we are just blinded and too obsessed on worldly goals.. like becoming rich... having a high paying and stable job... But we forget on things that really matter most.. We have to enjoy every moment in the process. Am I making sense here???

Naah!!! ok. ok. ok... just ignore the last paragraph...
I am taking back my words... Because what I really want now is MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!
Money changes everything... Since I can't have them all (beauty/ looks / brain), might as well get MONEY...

I'm too tired already.....
Stay sad, lonely and depressed ,man...
It's good to know that there are still people who are as lonely as I am..
Maybe someday we'll meet and spread loneliness and depression to the world..
hhehehehheee. (joke)...

'til ur next blog entry..
by the way.. who r u?

At 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's me again...
the ONE who made the second comment earlier..
I HATE this world..
I just had my first blow of the day..
I am supposed to do something worthwhile.
Am I just too unlucky these days????
The !@$%^&&%!^$@%!$@%!$ disk where i saved all the files wouldn't work!!!..
ddamn!! Lost my time... lost it all!!
I thought I had the key to my freedom and success..
Yet what I got is another desperation...

At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never really thought you feel that way (or at the very least, "you feel") but don't worry, it's never just you. Truth of the matter is, we all have to be slaves in this world we now claim to be "free". ;p


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