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so you've walked through these pages
and i must tell you some of the things
you'll read here will disturb you...
but it sure will get you thinking
if you don't like what you reaad,
feel free to shut the f*ck up!

you think you know me

clearly, you're mistaken!
you don't know a thing about me
and before you ask, i won't bother to explain
there's more to me than meets the eye

so drop the f*cking labels...it bores the hell of me
leave me alone and we'll get along just fine

say what?

you have got to see these

as it was written

blast from the past


dn angel dreams
goo goo dolls

Sunday, May 07, 2006

save the last dance for me

This is a song i've heard a while back which was used in one of the episodes of queer as folk (season 1 i think) which, i agree with brian, is ridiculously romantic.


# Save the Last Dance for Me
Ben E. King and The Drifters

#You can dance
Every dance with the guy
Who gives you the eye
Let him hold you tight

You can smile
Every smile for the man
Who held your hand
Beneath the pale moonlight

But don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin', save the last dance for me

Oh, I know
That the musics fine
Like sparkling wine
Go and have your fun

Laugh and sing
But while we're apart
Don't give your heart to anyone

And don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin', save the last dance for me

#Baby don't you know I love you so
Can't you feel it when we touch
I will never never let you go
I love you oh so much

#You can dance
Go and carry on
Till the night is gone
And it's time to go

If he asks
If you're all alone
Can he take you home
You must tell him no

Cause don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arm's you're gonna be
So darlin save the last dance for me

Cause don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arm's you're gonna be
So darlin save the last dance for me

Save the last dance for me
Mmmmh, save the last dance for me
Mmmmh, save the last dance for me
Mmh, save the last dance for me #

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it's in KL

labor day weekend has brought me and some of my friends to kl. i never came aroud to telling y'all what happened so i figured i'd show you instead. here are some snippets from that trip.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

happy (whoopee!)

i realised something really important today about being happy.

for the longest time i feel that some people are meant to happy, others are meant to wonder how they could be, while the rest are either too busy or too nonchalant (and sometimes too stupid) to care whether they are happy or not. there's also that small group of people, who despite best efforts, remain unhappy for no other reason than they choose to be.

i belong to the last group. but i am desperately trying to break free. i'm starting to realize that being happy is as easy as choosing to be happy. and from this day forward, i choose to be happy.

i have been miserable long enough because of my own doing.

i deserve the break.


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Friday, April 14, 2006

it is finished!

yep! it is finished. my good friday good deed is finished. i just got back from visiting 9 churches as a promise to a certain Someone. got lost a few turns (more than a few turns actually), and yeah, it rained on us...hard! but for some odd reason, it did not dampen our spirits. i am sore all over. my feet aches as much if not more than my head does. and did i tell you i abstained from eating from sunrise to sundown? it didn't help that my friends decided to pig-out on ala-home-cooked meals from a local restaurant. i had my trustee volvic though. so no biggie. after our last church, which oddly enough is closed on this day, our team has decided to eat yet again at a pasta house which has no help at all on my growing hunger. i had a large caramel frapuccino from starbucks though. anyways, i'm back and better than ever. tomorrow is a new day.

by the way, i tried to drop the mockery and sarcasm even just for today...it seems you really can't teach old dogs new tricks



(A/N: 2 posts in a day...i didn't hink i'd live to see the day)

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today's good friday...the very foundation of my whole catholic faith. i haven't been a good catholic and i wouldn't argue if anyone of you tells me that my faith is flawed because frankly i think so myself. but i have news flash for you pal...so is yours. anyways, i know this must be the first post of its kind y'all probably read from this site...just proof postive that i am not the heartless bastard you think i am.

this year, i, together with a few friends, am doing visita iglesia here in singapore. 9 churches today to visit and abstinence from sunrise to sundown. i wish i am man enough for this. since i planned the whole thing, i made our itinerary for today as such:

1. Church of St. Mary of the Angels
2. St Francis of Assisi Church
3. Church of the Holy Cross
4. Churh of St. Ignatius
5. Church of the Blessed Sacrament
6-9. Sacred Heart/ Good Shepherd/ Saints Peter and Paul/ St Joseph/ Our Lady of Lourdes/ St Bernadette

by the way, while writing this post at 7 in the morning, i am listening to proud by heather small ; it goes something like this: "what have you done today to make you feel proud?" i think it must be this for today. wish me luck.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

random ramblings

i know, i know i have been long gone...i have a life (or not), sue me!

anyways, i'd more than make it up in this post as i recount my life since whenever the f*ck my last post was. i sure hope my avid readers (all 2 of 'em) are still alive, else i would have wasted precious time in my office making this post in a notepad so no one would notice; not that anyone would care. brace yourselves, kiddoes! i would be taking you to a sneak peek of my oh-so-exciting life:

1. left for singapore early october for a project in our office here (boy do i smell trouble)

2. our condo is...well, nice. spacious living area, okay kitchen, nice rooms; includes a gym, pool, tennis, squash, and basketball courts, table tennis and mini putt-putt (the kind you see in those cheap theme parks, hehe)

3. my bedroom is livable. it's no hilton, i tell you but with a nice poolside view, i could ogle people in their thrashy skimpies. well, i don't really do that but its nice to have it when you want it.

4. worked my ass off to finish a project before i got sent off to an on-site office

5. harry potter 4 was hot as expected. made narnia eat box-office dust. i'm such a sucker for HP books. maybe because i was reading arthur conan doyle as a child instead of just "plain ol' children's book." (the fact that hp4 made this list must make you think my life is pathetic, isn't it? i know, i think so myself. so sad, huh?)

6. celebrated christmas away from my family for the first time. not that it means much because we haven't celebrated christmas as a family in a long time. but again, it's nice to be around the people who loves you (and you love back) in occassions like this. i never particularly liked christmas, never liked it as a child, hated it with a passion as an adult. i think its the capitalists' idea of heaven. i like giving gifts though. i think i like giving gifts more than receiving them. i don't know. i am weird like that.

7. celebrated new year at a club, velvet, as i told you here. well, can't remember much from that night. we (i was with a friend) were pissed drunk after drinking a pitcher each of what appears to be long island iced tea but very oddly taste like rhum and coke. washed it off with vodka. i love dancing. danced the whole night, in fact. my friend thought i was on something. i wasn't. i had a blast. that was after all the most fun i had since coming to this very exciting (do i smell sarcasm?) country. Oh and by the way, we ended up picking people off the gutters near the main highway. apparently these kids (believe me, i thought some of them were a bunch of high school kids) couldn't handle their alcohol well. and being the caring, generous, and helpful; not to mention smart, charming-as-hell, and very, very, very good in bed (so i exaggerated a little, go write your own bloggie, if you have a problem with it) little ol' me, i helped 'em up and hailed cabs for those who were royally drunk. and to top off what seems to be a very interesting night, my friend and i broke a fight. well, it's not really a fight. what would you call if someone just stands there and let some guy punch him in the face? one way fight? a standing fight? i don't know. well, that's what happened. to draw this little adventure to a close, my friend practically dragged me to the nearest mc donald's because he felt like eating happy meal...what the f*ck? if you ask me, it was him who was on something. came back to my place at around 9 (alone, in case you're wondering or just plain malicious), showered and went to sleep. woke up a few hours later majorly hung (and i am not talking about the size of that appendage down there; although i must say i'm pretty contented with what i have, hehehe)

8. new year, new life...well not really. i was sent off to work with the client-side on one of our site offices. i could see cdu2 from where my desk is. for those of you who doesn't get this, lucky you! this new job is such a drag. i'd stop at that but believe me that's not all there is to it.

9. went back at the gym as a resolution for the new year. 3 months after...still at it (while writing this, i realized that tha's the longest i've committed to anything or anyone, for that matter; i usually get bored after a few days, sometimes i get bored at the middle of it). i started running 4 miles everyday, except when i have something planned for the night. i developed a liking with running. i feel so much better afterwards. i'm also pumping some irons. build some muscle and stuff. well, that's not going too well. tell you more next time.
boy! i am starting to get bored with this post...aren't you? well, we're just halfway there kiddoes! hang in there. read on!

10. read this book "the curious incident of the dog at night time." one of the best reads i ever had. i don't think there's anything special with it. sure it won some award or something but it's no literary masterpiece. but i thought it's something everyone must read. grab yourself a copy and read for yourself. while on the subject of books, i finally found a copy of "return of merlin" by chopra. i was reading this 5 years ago, lost it in starbucks, didn't finish it coz i couldn't find a copy. forgot about it all through these years until i found an old battered copy in the library. the libraries here in singapore are a real treat. for 20 sgd a year you get to borrow as many books as you like. best 20 dollars i ever spent.

11. chinese new year...you'd think that since you're on chinese teritory, it would be fun, fun, fun! the hell it is! for 3 days, all the shops were closed, even mc-f*cking-donalds' was close! what was i to do for food, huh? geez this coutnry is odd!

12. since there was nothing to do during chinese new year, i humored myself and went to johor bahru in malaysia. it's and experience i wouldn't wish even for my worst enemy. well, maybe i'm overacting a little...but still, its a bad, bad, bad experience (and i am being generous in saying that).

13. i finally quitted smoking!

14. picked it up again after a while =(

15. quitted again when it affected my running =)

16. now, i only smoke on very rare and isolated instances (like when i feel shitty, depressed or think that i'd die anyways; or when i seriouly f*cked up like when i had the cooling water requirements all wrong, or when i f*cking forgot to account for the quench in the hydrogen balance around 1st stage HDS-> don't ask!)

17. so most of my friends are leaving for the US to join an american engineering firm. yes folks! i am an engineer. and contrary to popular belief we're also human who miss their friends when they're away. the event of my friends leaving got me thinking whether i'm doing the right thing by stayng where i currently am. i remember a scene from some tv show when 1 of the characters was fired for some reason i can't remember. the boss asks him "does your job make your blood rush, does it make your skin tingle? does crunching numbers excite you?" he shakes his head "no." the boss tells him, "i am making you a favor then." i know my job doesn't make my blood rush, nor does it make my skin tingle and i am noplussed with crunching numbers. then why can't i shake my head no? i was looking through the files in my computer a few days back and found the following note i made some time ago. I kept it to constantly remind me of my literary genius (ahem):
"i am so fucking bored! i am on the brink of insanity...i don't know why they insist on sending me here in the first place. everyday is becoming such a drag. can't even keep my eyes open anymore. this is such a waste of time...i would rather be doing something else...something! anyhting!
i honestly feel that i am not cut for this...i know i am good at dealing with people and i know that i'd be happier if i do something like that..."

18. chingay is so gay! that's all there is to it. but then again, who cares...

19. there's this "jazz by the beach thing" i went to with some friend. we met 3 germans (2 of which were girls) and a turkish. another fun night. drank a couple of beers, engaged ourselves in idle chit chats, and on the last f*ckin' song of the surprisingly good band, we danced. there we were...a couple of drunk expats dancing to gloria estefan's conga. a pity, i know! hey! it beats sitting on your couch and waiting for fear factor or something like that. we promised to go out again. i never heard from them since. and i don't have any intention of going out with them again. i'm a bastard, i know. but so is half of the world.

20. started to play tennis...and dropped it like its hot! =)

21. i got myself a new notebook. its no power machine but it does its job. with the free wireless networks here, surfing is really a breeze (now, doesn't that sound like an advert on tv or something?)

22. brokeback mountain...2 cowboys kissing. big f*cking deal. it's not who you love, it's how you love. nuff said.

23. queer as folk...i know this is a has-been in the US but for the conservative society i grew in (well, actually i grew up in a liberal community but let just pretend i didn't), it really is provicative. but again...guys screwing guys and girls screwing girls is no big deal! it's live and let live, if you ask me.

24. the highlight of my year, neigh, my life thus far: told a friend a very important detail about me. i'd tell y'all too when i summon enough courage to do so.

25. i'd be turning 25 this august. but it doesn't mean shit. i'd still be the same old boring me. a change is long overdue, i keep telling myself. it has to come soon or i'd blow my fucking head off!
that pretty much sums up my life the past 6 months. six f*cking months...feels like eternity. but i have to suck it up, haven't i? the next few months will surely be interesting (or at least i hope it would be)...

by the way, i missed out an important fact: on my next lifetime, i wanna be a brazilian



(p.s. geez! i forgot how liberating it is to write; knowing that someone enjoys reading your miseries and fully aware that someone is more miserable than you...i love my f*cking life)

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Sunday, March 12, 2006


i know it must have been the nth time i'll try to give this little bloggie a rise. i hope this time will be different now that i have a new laptop. yes, boys ang girls, feast your eyes on this...

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

cheers for the new year

i know i said i'd do a christmas special on this little bloggie. i didn't...so sue me! what i'd do instead is tell you 'bout the new year party at the velvet here in singapore. i tell you what, it was a hell of a party. the club was great! the crowd's a little tame for my own liking, but the music is fantastic. well, this area is more known for zouk. actually, said area is 3 adjoining clubs...there's the velvel, the zouk and phuture (see? filipinos' ain't the only one to spell their 'f'' as 'ph). as we were at the velvet, it has to be the most happening party (well not really! whoever plays bjork and enya in a club has to be insane!) as you pay the most here...but you get to go to the 'other' clubs if you decide to really go here.

i was with some other expat here..a thai who we'll lovingly call pan (no pun intended!). this biatch knows how to party. and that's all i'm saying 'bout that! as it was a party, we drank like madmen! a pitcher of long-island iced tea (which was more vodka than anything else) and well, vodka lime. i have never been so drunk my entire life. but hey! it's the new year baby! and you have fun on new year.

to all my friends from all over the world...happy new year mates! may thze new year be just that!

and as i am having a f#cking hell of a time uploading some pix, i'd do it tomorrow. ciao!

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

quit bitchin'

These are from a book called "Disorder in the American Courts" and arethings people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and nowpublished by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place

Q: Are you sexually active?
A: No, I just lie there

Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July 15.
Q: What year?
A: Every year.

Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
A: Yes
Q: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
A: I forget.
Q: You forget? Can you give us an example of something that you've forgotten?
A: What was the question?

Q: How old is your son, the one living with you?
A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
Q: How long has he lived with you?
A: Forty-five years

Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke up that morning?

A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
Q: And why did that upset you?
A: My name is Susan.

Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

A: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?

Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?

Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?

A: Yes.: And what were you doing at that time?

Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?

Q: Can you describe the individual?

A: He was about medium height and had a beard.
Q: Was this a male, or a female?

Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead

Q: ALL your responses MUST be verbal, OK? What school did you go to?
A: Verbal.

Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was cutting open his guts

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

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Friday, December 09, 2005

appraisal (parang lhuillier)

i know i said i'd do a christmas special on this little bloggie but my my christmas spirit is already on holiday. so instead of writing something warm and cuddly and merry alng all those crap we usually pass as the true essence of chicken...kidding! christmas, i'd do an angst post instead. no likey? no ready! so shut the f#ck up and listen....

i have recently received my PA (performance appraisal). and as all my previous PAs, it is a bunch of bull. my superior thought of me as "having great potential in the field of engineering" apparently i have the strong academic background (or so she says) but (she) finds me lax in my job. come to think of it, she went as far as calling me happy-go-lucky in one of our conversations in the principal's office. for which i commented, "the reason i am lax is because there is absolutely no point to be vigilant." i can't eleaborate but surely you get the point. i told her that i have no desire to make a stellar performance because i don't need anybody's affirmation.

this post is depressing me more so i'd cut it here. it's friday and it's just me and my laptop get the point?

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Saturday, November 12, 2005


i' d like to drop a line to all my avid readers (all 2 of 'em). i know. i know i haven't posted in the longest of times. it sucks to not take a peek at my oh-so-wonderful life.

well, as some you you might know (although never cared), i am currently based in singapore. yes, that oh-so-brilliant death place of flor, delia and more recently, jane. hence, the frequency of the post.

although i must say that i am getting a little bit tired of this on-line journal. i am 24 after all. when the time comes (or should i say if the time comes) that i decide to publish my real journal (yes, i keep one, of course. after all all great men do. mwahahaha!), now that would be scandalous!

so agian to my readers, patience. i would be posting real soon. i'm planning to do a singapore christmas special on this little bloggie, in fact.

but please don't hold your breath. you might turn blue before it gets done.


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Wednesday, August 17, 2005


here's how my desktop looks like. as to why i posted this is beyond me. pardon the nonsense. m yhead's been aching since 9 this morning.

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terrible morning

i am having the worst morning. it's like waking up on the wrong side of the wrong bed. it feels like nature's conspiring to give me a really sh*tty morning. to add insult to injury, the freaking lines in the freaking line index doesn't seem to end at all. just when i thought it'd be over soon, i had another think coming. it's like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel only to realize too late that it's a rampaging train.

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